Ulla's Journal

Beta Testers Wanted

April 17, 2012 (0) Comments

Hello Friends … we have created three short [1-3 minute] videos that are intended to help viewers de-stress.  The content is Ulla’s art and her music.  Our intention is to offer several to the public at no cost, followed by others at a very modest cost.  Before releasing the first three, we would very much appreciate input from friends and admirers.

Volunteering to be a beta tester would include …

a] watching each video at least once each day for 10 days;  this will actually cover 12 days, since we’ll ask you to view one single video each of the first three days.

b] answering five questions after each viewing;

c]  answering five additional questions at the end of 10 days.  Additional feedback will be most welcome.

Volunteers will receive links to additional videos as they are created and [when available] free downloads of all in the series.  Please let us know that you are willing to participate by sending an email to info@ulladarni.com We will then send the first video and the questions.

Thanks so much for your help.  Our hope is to provide support in these tumultuous times.

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