Ulla's Journal

A Brief History of our 1 Min Meditation

August 2, 2012 (0) Comments

Hi … Lawry here … when we posted the link to our first 1 Min Meditation, I forgot an important part of the picture.  This project sprang from my own history & I’d like to share that with you.

Over 30 years ago, my work caused me a high-level of stress every day.  I learned how to meditate as the stresses first began and as the pressures built up, the meditation helped, but … mornings and evenings weren’t enough.  My workdays took me out of the centered space and into my mind … and the pressures.

Twenty minutes of sitting meditation during work was unthinkable.  What came was the idea of shortening the time while still changing my inner space.  It took awhile to learn how to ‘ride’ my breath like an elevator, but with practice, it worked.  I was able to change my state of being in 1 Minute.  The next trick was to set a clock to repeat the process every hour.  After a career change, things improved and I stopped the practice.

When I saw the videos that became our 1 Min Meditations, I was captivated, drawn in entirely.  I realized that Ulla’s beautiful work was also an ‘elevator’ and, with simple, easy breathing, it carried me into an inner space.  Wow, with a short burst of focused attention, I could replicate my past success with no practice at all!  Could others?

After sampling friends, we showed the work to Seniors in a long term care facility, to staff at a regional hospital and to volunteer beta testers.  Responses were virtually identical:  “Calming”, “Relaxing”, “Inspiring”, “Beautiful.”  How amazing … a good tool at the right time.

Today, we’re in the era of more information coming faster & more changes coming faster.  We are under pressure to make decisions quickly.  Virtually everyone we know is being affected.  So, we decided to introduce the videos and share the first three as our gifts.

Please use them often … they will help and require only your short attention.  Please also share them with those you care about.  Here is the link to our 2nd video …


p.s.  a word about the music … interestingly, we discovered that when it was played very softly, it was an excellent background for the 1 Min Mediations; and that when it was played strongly, it worked well as pure entertainment.  Enjoy both!

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